Media & Interviews
Interview- November 19, 2018, CW39 'Morning Dose', Tammy Markle and Malisa Jones
HOUSTON — Many men and women suffer through some form of depression after a tragedy. Founder of Trinity Reins Ministries, Dr. Tammye Markle along with board member Malisa Jones shared with 'Morning Dose'. viewers how to overcome (life stressors, challenges) and tragedy at Trinity Reins Ranch in Montgomery County, Texas. Source: https://cw39.com/?s=trinity+reins+ranch

(L-R) Carol Ploetz (TRR&M) Sharon Melton (CW39 Anchor), Tammye Markle (TRR&M), Malisa Jones (TRR&M), Shannon LaNier, (CW39 Anchor)
Trinity Reins Ministries Joins County-Wide Taskforce

Pictured Tammye Markle and Malisa Jones, Trinity Reins Ministries
Task force looks to battle rising suicide rates in Montgomery County
By Jane Stueckemann, Staff writer
Published 1:10 pm CDT, Thursday, May 16, 2019
More than 400 people for 100 agencies (including Trinity Reins Ministries) attended a meeting of the Behavioral Health and Suicide Prevention Task Force of Montgomery County at the Lone Star Convention & Expo Center, Thursday, May 16, 2019, in Conroe. Members collaborated and discussed suicide prevention, awareness and other mental health issues.