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This program is designed to help individuals and teams navigate through the challenges of life. Incorrect mindsets and inaccurate beliefs can cause strife in relationships and stifle personal and professional growth. Through a series of equine assisted ground exercises, TEAM helps to identify key areas where people may be struggling and works to correct mindsets and beliefs, bringing them into alignment with truth. Facilitators also work with survivors of trafficking to help them reintegrate into healthy thought patterns. We use fun exercises that display strong metaphors which assist with healing and correcting the strongholds that can arise after traumatic experiences. This is a very beneficial program for individuals, families, couples and corporate teams of all kinds. From 2019-2021 facilitators delivered almost 250 sessions for survivors between the ages of 9 and 25.
One day retreats from 10am-3pm
For information on individual weekend retreats please email tammye@trinityreinsranch.org
TRUE IDENTITY - Embracing your true identity in Christ; not being influenced by what the world says
HOPE AND RESTORATION - Finding Hope on the journey of grief
**CUSTOMIZED RETREATS - We will create an individualized equine assisted learning retreat as a final session of your bible study or for other areas requested by the client. Lunch is provided during all retreats.
Customized sessions to improve your team's ability to thrive and communicate. Teams include business work teams, coaching staffs and team leaders, church leadership teams, non-profit board of directors, fundraising teams, etc. Fundamentals adapted from the TEAM program above are incorporated into these retreats based upon challenges identified by corporate management to custom create this retreat.
There is no better counselor than our creator, but sometimes we are at a loss about how to connect with Him to get the help we need. That is where Christian counseling comes in. We use biblical truths found in God's word to help our clients navigate the difficult situation of life. An initial phone consultation helps to identify areas of concern and create a plan to move forward.
We Do
All individual and family sessions, retreats and team building/leadership clinics are ongoing. Please call
832-715-3327 to discuss your needs, schedule a custom designed retreat or leadership clinic or for general questions. You can also email tammye@trinityreinsranch.org